LMS Course Functions(English)

Overview of LMS Course Functions

The timetable and a list of LMS courses will be displayed. You can filter the list by using the search function at the top of the screen.

While you are enrolled at Kanazawa University, the academic system timetable will not be displayed. Please check the timetable by logging in to the academic system.

After graduation, you will not be able to access the academic system, so please use this system to check your past learning records.

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Item Item name Explanation
Select academic year The timetable for the chosen academic year will be displayed. In the initial display, the current academic year is chosen.
Select semester The timetable for the chosen semester will be displayed.
Select college or graduate program The timetable for the chosen college or graduate program will be displayed by clicking the search button.
Select school or division The timetable for the chosen school or division will be displayed by clicking the search button.
Select display A list will be displayed in the chosen display method by clicking the search button.
Timetable name The timetable with the timetable name entered will be displayed by clicking the search button. Timetables are searched by fuzzy search.
Search button A search will be conducted.
Timetable name (special courses) The timetable of special courses will be displayed. Please click the timetable name if you want to transition to the relevant LMS.
Syllabus icon (class) To display the timetable’s syllabus, please click the icon.
Timetable name (class) The timetable will be displayed. Please click the timetable name if you want to transition to the relevant LMS.
Details link (class) To see details about the timetable or LMS course, please click the details link.
LMS course LMS courses will be displayed with a pink background color.
Syllabus icon (intensive lectures, graduate school classes, etc.) Please click the icon to display the syllabus for intensive lectures, graduate school classes, etc.
Timetable name (intensive lectures, graduate school classes, etc.) The timetable of intensive lectures, graduate school classes, etc., will be displayed. Please click the timetable name if you want to transition to the relevant LMS.
Details link (intensive lectures, graduate school classes, etc.) Please click the details link to see details about intensive lectures, graduate school classes, etc.
Timetable name (other information) The timetable of other information will be displayed. Please click the timetable name if you want to transition to the relevant LMS.
Edit button Email forwarding settings can be configured.

See Timetable Details

You can see the timetable or LMS course details by clicking the details link.

Users who can configure LMS settings can save LMS settings. WebClass is typically set by default.

Select “Moodle” in the LMS settings if you wish to switch to Moodle.

Select “User selection” in the LMS settings if you want to make either WebClass or Moodle selectable.

Select “Do not display” if you do not want to allow linking to LMS.


Item Item name Explanation
LMS configuration selection You can configure the LMS transfer destination when clicking on the timetable name on the list screen.The configuration items are as below. Do not display: Not linked by clicking on the timetable name. WebClass: Clicking on the timetable name will transfer the user to WebClass. Moodle: Clicking on the timetable name will transfer the user to Moodle. User selection: Clicking on the timetable name will display the LMS selection screen.
Save button This button saves the chosen LMS configuration.

Choose LMS

The LMS selection screen will be displayed by clicking the timetable. The user can choose the transfer destination LMS.

Note: The LMS selection screen will be displayed when “User selection” is selected in the LMS configuration.


Item Item name Explanation
WebClass link Click the link to transfer to WebClass.
Moodle link Click the link to transfer to Moodle.